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Epistola dedicatoria Mathildis Suevae (sent ca. 1025) – intercultural transmission of idea of christianization between Piasts and nobles of the German Reich

​University of Warsaw, Inter-cultural Transmission of Intelectual Traditions in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. A Comparative Perspective, 29.09.2012


​In my paper I analyze the passage from the letter of Mathilda to Mieszko II, in which she writes that Bolesław the Brave, father of the addresser, “forced ferocious and barbaric peoples to participate in the Holy Mass” (Nam quos sancti praedicatores corrigere non poterant uerbo ille insecutus est ferro, compellens ad caenam dominicam barbaras ac ferocissimas nationes). This sentence reflects the rhetorical phrase of "compelle intrare" which recalls the Augustinian theory of religious coercion. This rhetoric, however, influenced the religious and political culture about year 1000. Brun of Querfurt, who was murdered in 1009 during a mission to pagan Prussia, wrote just before his death a letter to German king Henry II. This letter was sent from Poland. In this epistle, Brun attempted to convince the German ruler to force the pagan Slavic tribes to convert to the Christian faith (hos tales propter christianismum glorioso certamine debellare, quod est iubente evangelio compelle intrare). Brun, however, did not use the phrase (compellens ad caenam dominicam) in his letter, which is highly atypical, since Mathilda stressed the sacrament of the Eucharist as the main criterion for Christianization. My aim was to explain why Mathilda associated two sacraments – baptism and Eucharist – when she spoke about mission to the pagans. This association, although obvious in theology, was not very common in literature about missions written in the tenth and eleventh centuries.


Obraz władcy liturgiczną modlitwą za króla? Nowa perspektywa dla interpretowania miniatury koronacji Henryka II z Sakramentarza Ratyzbońskiego (München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4456, fol. 11r).

​Historia Slavorum Occidentis, 2(7) 2015: 107-130.


(Review) W. E. Wagner, Die liturgische Gegenwart des abwesenden Königs: Gebetsverbrüderung und Herrscher-bild im frühen Mittelalter, Leiden-Boston 2010, s. 440.

Studia Źródłoznawcze 51 (2013): 208-212.



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